The Seattle City Council unanimously voted yesterday to allow backyard cottages on all eligible lots in the city. The backyard "cottage" was originally restricted to just Southeast Seattle where it was approved in 2006.
Council member Sally Clark said "This is a smart and modest step to create affordable housing options, help someone pay their mortgage, get older on their property, or to make room for a son or daughter moving back home."
The backyard cottages are limited to 800 square feet in size and are prohibited on lots smaller than 4,000 square feet or in a Shoreline District. The owner must live at the property for at least 6 months out of the year. The 5-foot setbacks are still in effect and the total lot coverage of structures is limited to 35%. Also, homes that currently have an attached ADU (accessory dwelling unit) are not eligible for a backyard cottage.
For more information the entire bill can be found